和支付宝、微信钱包一样,Apple Pay Cash提供了一套虚拟支付服务:可从银行卡向账户内充值,也能把余额转到银行卡下,当然苹果也很推荐将其设为默认的支付账户,Apple Pay Cash还能清晰...
IT之家12月5日消息 苹果iOS 11.2正式版带来了Apple Pay Cash个人转账功能,该功能虽然在发布说明中有提到,但一直没有被激活,处于不可用状态。今天,苹果苹果终于正式激活了Apple Pay ...
Pay cash 付现金 Can I pay cash? 我能付现金吗? Pay by credit card 刷卡支付 I didn’t have any cash so I paid by credit card. 我没有现金了,所以刷信用卡付的钱。 Pay interest ...
1. How long will you stay in China? 您预计在中国待多久? 2. How much cash do you have with you? 您随身携带了多少现金? 3. May I see your passport, please? 请您出示您的护照。 4. What's the purpose of your visit? 您此行的目的是什么? 5. I have enough fu...
"Because most international trade is in U.S. dollars, the United States can print money to pay for goods that it buys from abroad, allowing it to finance a large internatio...
更多内容请点击:让美国人也用“支付宝”!苹果再推Apple Pay Cash